Smoking Treatment


Product Description

It is a nicotine replacement therapy (NRT).
It is used to relieve and/or prevent withdrawal symptoms and reduce the cravings you get when trying to stop smoking, or when cutting down the number of cigarettes smoked.
It can also be used when you are pregnant or breastfeeding to help stop smoking, as the risks to the baby are far less than if continue smoking.
When you stop smoking or cut down the number of cigarettes smoke, the body misses the nicotine and may experience unpleasant feelings and a strong desire to smoke (craving).
When chewing NICORETTE® Gum, nicotine is released and passes into the body through the lining of the mouth.
The nicotine released from the gum is sufficient to relieve the unpleasant withdrawal symptoms.



How to use

Chew the gum slowly until the taste becomes strong.
When the taste is strong, rest the gum between your gum and cheek. The nicotine is absorbed through your mouth’s lining.
After the taste has faded, resume chewing the gum until the taste becomes strong again.
Keep repeating steps 2 and 3 for about 30 minutes.

2.330 KWD 0.000 KWD


Product Description

Nicotinell patches contain enough nicotine protection for 24 hours when customers stop smoking.
By using the patches for 24 hours, customers will have nicotine in their blood when they wake up, so they’ll be ready to face the morning cravings more easily.

Nicotine stimulates receptors to start a reaction that results in further release of neurotransmitters (chemical messengers that move between nerves, muscles or glands to affect many bodily functions, mood, and behavior).
It using a controlled amount of nicotine helps to reduce nicotine withdrawal symptoms during quit smoking.



How to use

Put patch on clean, dry, healthy skin on the chest, back, belly, or upper arm. Move the site with each new patch.
Put patch on a site without hair.
Wash your hands after use.
Each patch can stay on for 16 to 24 hours. If you crave cigarettes when you wake up, wear the patch for 24 hours.
Do not leave on the skin for more than 24 hours.
Do not put on more than 1 patch at a time.
Do not use patches that are cut or do not look right.

10.910 KWD 0.000 KWD


Product Description

It is a nicotine replacement therapy (NRT).
It is used to relieve and/or prevent withdrawal symptoms and reduce the cravings you get when trying to stop smoking, or when cutting down the number of cigarettes smoked.
It can also be used when you are pregnant or breastfeeding to help stop smoking, as the risks to the baby are far less than if continue smoking.
When you stop smoking or cut down the number of cigarettes smoke, the body misses the nicotine and may experience unpleasant feelings and a strong desire to smoke (craving).
When chewing NICORETTE® Gum, nicotine is released and passes into the body through the lining of the mouth.
The nicotine released from the gum is sufficient to relieve the unpleasant withdrawal symptoms.



How to use

Chew the gum slowly until the taste becomes strong.
When the taste is strong, rest the gum between your gum and cheek. The nicotine is absorbed through your mouth’s lining.
After the taste has faded, resume chewing the gum until the taste becomes strong again.
Keep repeating steps 2 and 3 for about 30 minutes.

3.040 KWD 0.000 KWD


Product Description

Nicotinell patches contain enough nicotine protection for 24 hours when customers stop smoking.
By using the patches for 24 hours, customers will have nicotine in their blood when they wake up, so they’ll be ready to face the morning cravings more easily.

Nicotine stimulates receptors to start a reaction that results in further release of neurotransmitters (chemical messengers that move between nerves, muscles or glands to affect many bodily functions, mood, and behavior).
It using a controlled amount of nicotine helps to reduce nicotine withdrawal symptoms during quit smoking.



How to use

Put patch on clean, dry, healthy skin on the chest, back, belly, or upper arm. Move the site with each new patch.
Put patch on a site without hair.
Wash your hands after use.
Each patch can stay on for 16 to 24 hours. If you crave cigarettes when you wake up, wear the patch for 24 hours.
Do not leave on the skin for more than 24 hours.
Do not put on more than 1 patch at a time.
Do not use patches that are cut or do not look right

11.930 KWD 0.000 KWD


Product Description

Nicotinell is a Pharmacological smoking cessation aid.



How to use

Allow yourself time to put the patch on.
Decide where you will put the patch. It is important to choose a hairless area of skin to make sure that it sticks properly e.g. the front or side of the chest, the back or the upper arm. Avoid skin which is red or irritated.
If the patch does not stick successfully you may try it on any other body site (such as the outer thighs or top of the buttocks) or clean the area with surgical spirit and let it dry naturally before re-applying the patch. Avoid areas where the skin creases (such as over a joint) or folds when you move.
Make sure that the skin is completely clean and dry. After a hot bath or shower you may continue to sweat even after toweling. Wait until the skin is completely dry before sticking the patch on.

12.900 KWD 0.000 KWD